pain intervention



How many of you have thought that you didn’t have enough time with the patients you believed really needed it? Or experienced the pressures of productivity standards and competing responsibilities? I most certainly have. And though you may feel that there isn’t nearly enough one on one time for the person experiencing persisting pain, there are many things you CAN do that can help.

Activity Pacing

Activity Pacing

Activity pacing is not the same as simply taking breaks or working until you can work no further. It is a learned skill that carries beliefs related to self worth, acceptance, empowerment, and independence. It is an important component of self management; and it promotes adaptive neuroplastic changes, and reduces disability.

Education: Maybe We’re Missing The Boat

Education: Maybe We’re Missing The Boat

When it comes to beliefs, facts don’t matter. Scientific data is insufficient to convince someone of a differing belief. “To make a change we must tap into those motives, presenting information in a frame that emphasizes common beliefs, triggers hope and expands people's sense of agency.” Dr. Tali Sharot,

Baseline Versus Flare-Up

Baseline Versus Flare-Up

It is imperative that people feel hopeful, not hopeless. The idea that symptoms vary, implies that something is influencing the change. If we can track symptom changes better, then we have an opportunity to decipher what may be contributing to that fluctuation.